Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Sidewalk Performer, Montomery Ward Building (Back Right), Debrevic's Waiter and our server (acting bored)

We went to Chicago for a few days with Kim’s parents, Maurice and Judy. We went to the Cheese Factory and had a great meal (and of course, cheesecake) and then on a Chicago River architectural tour. We rode on the top deck of a boat and a tour guide talked for 90 minutes nonstop. We learned such interesting facts such as the Montgomery Ward’s building has concrete corners to avoid the status trap of the “corner office” (see picture). This was Mister Montgomery’s theory. Instead, the corners house the elevators. We also saw 4.5 million dollar condos and they have to pay a onetime fee of $60,000.00 if they want a parking space in the parking garage. It is a very interesting tour.
I especially appreciate the sidewalk performers. There was a drummer, sax and flute soloist at different locations, but the thing that interests me most are the ones that paint themselves up with gold or silver paint and act like they are robots. The guy in the above pic was really good. A kid was passing by and they got into a dancing contest. There was a lot of the moonwalk type stuff where it looks like their feet are floating on air. It was so good!
Tonight we went to Ed Debevic’s Restaurant. It is a 50’s style restaurant and while the food is good, the main attraction is that the employees are very rude. When we walked in, the insults started. There are many witty signs on the wall like, “If you find a better diner, eat there” and as you leave there is a sign above the door that says, “Keep Chicago clean. Wipe your feet”. Other signs include: “Eat and get out” and “Don’t eat with your mouth full”. Judy and asked for water with lemon and the waiter said, “Yea, good luck on the lemon.” and there was no lemon when the water came. The waiter just acted like it was a big pain that we were there. The staff danced to the tune of “Get up off of that thing”. They got up on the soda bar and danced. Some people walked in and sat down and a waiter yelled angrily clear across the restaurant, “I’m your waiter and I’ll be there when I’m good and ready!” Actually, it was a very fun experience.
We are staying in the Hyatt Regency which has 2500 rooms and no internet service. Well, they have it; I just can’t get it to work. Bad news: Rooms are $280.00 per day. Good news! Maurice got the rooms on Priceline for $82.00. Bad News: They charge $45.00 per day to store our car. Good News: Maurice asked for complimentary breakfast buffet which they gave us – a $22.00 value per meal times 4 people times two days.
Tuesday at 12:30 PM we got back to the coach. Home Sweet Home! I really missed not being here. We’ll be here a few days and then on to Minnesota – or we may go home for a few days as our son Ben (23) has a home he is interested in purchasing and wants our opinion. Our daughter Hannah (22) just called and will be coming home from mission work in Uganda, Africa August 10th instead of the 19th. Nothing is wrong, the people from Taylor University suggested their schedule was tight to get to school in time and they have to write a ten page paper about their experience. I think we will fly her out to meet us somewhere. We will have to figure out where we will be at that time and make the flight plans.

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