Monday, November 5, 2007

Yosemite 3 of 3

On the left is El Capiton. This is the largest granite monolith in the world and stands at 3,593 feet from base to summit. Climbers come from all over the globe to scale it.
Kim at the visitor center.
This is a tunnel. You can see the road to the left and right of it.
Frequently we would see a big boulder just standing on top of the ground with very few other rocks around.
The mound on the left has rings around it that are very pretty.

Yosemite has the most diverse range of scenery we’ve seen. It has rocks, sand, bald mountains, smooth, jagged rock – gentle streams, roaring rivers, waterfalls and well, you name it. We drove the car about 150 miles investigating lots of the sites.

The visitor’s center traffic layout is kind of a mess and it isn’t that informative. The traffic engineering must have been planned by the same guys who lay out Post Office traffic flow. If a road sign would have been missing, we would have been lost. The whole thing was just more complicated than it need be. The parking lot was a half mile from the visitor’s center and there were signs posted of a bus route which we found out doesn’t run. Oh well, I won’t go on and on. Plan on an hour if you stop there.

Today we plan to travel to San Juan Bautista. We will be staying at a campground for a week and plan to take the Amtrack into San Fransisco for two or three days. We may get a hotel there or commute back to the campground. We will see what advice the campground gives us. The Amtrack is six miles from the campground.

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